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Best Wiki Award

May 2005



Created By [FireGypsy]

This is a Wiki dedicated to the truth about real Vampires in the world today.

Though they are not like the myths and faery tales you have heard, there are, in fact, real Vampires out there.

Vampires, in myths and tales, are immortal, bloodthirsty creatures who stalk and kill humans and drink their blood to obtain the energy they need to stay alive. For centuries, literature and movies have portrayed vampires as such. Oh the other hand, real Vampires are not like that at all. There are even some Vampires that choose to spell it "Vampyre" and with using the alternative spelling hope to differentiate themselves from the mythical Vampires.

Real Vampires are not immortal. They are not allergic to sunlight, silver, or garlic, or holy objects and a steak through the heart will kill anyone. Actually, a lot of vampires are Christian, so religion has nothing to do with vampirism. To get rid of the confusion, Vampires are completely human, except for a few traits. They tend to heal faster than humans and they need extra energy from a source other than food. Now when i say "need" i do not mean if they dont get this extra energy that they will die.

Also, Vampirism is not a religion. A religion is a chosen lifestyle based on a certain God and certain beliefs on that god. Vampires are born Vampires wether they like it or not. There is no choice in the matter. Vampires have no God they worship, and that includes satan (since a lot of people like to call us satanists).

There are a few kinds of vampires.

Sanguine Vampires. This is the most known type of Vampire. When most people hear the word Vampire they think bloodsucker right? Well its true. Sanguine Vampires are the kind that drink blood. Unlike the myths, they dont stalk humans and kill them. They have specific human donors who are completely willing to what goes on between the Vampire and them.

Psychic (Psy) Vampires. A person who preys on the life energies of others. They are the type which have the ability to manipulate energy. Some Psy Vampires dont even know what they are or what they do. They tend to steal the energy around them without knowing it. When the awakening process occurrs with a Psy Vampires, he/she will start to notice that he/she is doing such.

There are several methods a Psychic Vampire can use to gain energy. There are Emotional Vampires that use attention getting behaviors to get people's attention on them emotionally and draining the emotional energy. There are Sexual Vampires whcih feed directly upon the sexual energy created by their partners during sex. There are Pranic Vampires which feed directly on human vital energy. They will pull the energy to them from accross a room or they may drain it with a touch.

Whichever one a Vampire has traits for, its all for the same purpose. Its all to gain extra energy for themselves. Wether they feel their bodies do not create enough energy or they feel they have a high spiritual metabolism and their body uses energy faster then their bodies can produce it. Every Vampire is different. Therefore every Vampire will have different traits and symptoms along with abilities.

Vampires live by a certain code. Its called "The Black Veil". Any vampire who knows his/her community well knows this code.


The Black Veil was composed by Father Sebastian Todd in 1998 and revised by Michelle Belanger of House Kheperu In 2000 and again in 2003. The Black Veil as it stands now is purely a set of guidelines and moral suggestions.


Respect yourself and present yourself so that others also respect you. Take care in who you reveal yourself to. Explain what you are, not to shock, but to teach and to inform. Do not flaunt what you are, and know that whether you want them to or not, your actions will reflect upon the rest of the community.
 Share your nature only with those with the wisdom to understand and accept it, and learn to recognize these people.


Among us, there are many different practices and many points of view. No single one of us has all the answers to who and what we are. Respect each person's individual choices and beliefs. Learn about them and share what you know. Our diversity is our strength, and we should not allow misunderstanding to weaken our community.
 Find the path that is right for you and uphold this freedom for others.


Do not allow your darkness to consume you. You are more than just your hunger, and you can exercise conscious control. Do not be reckless. Always act with a mind toward safety. Never feed because you think this makes you powerful; feed because this is what you must do.

Be true to your nature, but never use it as an excuse to endanger those around you.


Give respect to those who have earned it. Anyone can claim a title, but a true leader will prove him or herself through dedication, hard work, and great deeds. Even so, leaders should be guides and not dictators. Look to them as examples, but always decide for yourself what you must do.

Respect the person, not the position, and understand that your choices are always your own.


Know that there are repercussions to every action, and that you alone are responsible for your decisions. Educate yourself about risky behaviors, then always act with wisdom and common sense. Do not allow others to abuse you, but also, do not selfishly abuse.


Feeding should occur between consenting adults. Allow donors to make an informed decision before they give of themselves to you. Do not take rapaciously from others, but seek to have an exchange that is pleasant and beneficial for all.

Respect the life that you feed upon and do not abuse those who provide for you.


Reach out to others in your community. Exchange ideas, information, and support. Be hospitable to others, and appreciate hospitality when it is extended to you. Do not engage in illegal activity, for this can endanger us all.

Seek to nurture our community and support all those who do the same.

That is all I, myself, can teach you. Here is a list of sites which deal with real Vampires in the world today.

^real vampires members^ Come here to join this wiki.
^Banners^ To put in your house and show support or to post ones you have made.
^Questions^ For those of you who have questions and would like answers.
Ive started an RPG for this wiki. Just go to ^Real RPG^ and read the instructions.

Sasha's Wikis
Other wikis I have made.

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2005-05-15 [Amalaswinta]: All hail South Park! XD

2005-05-15 [RabidSphinx]: crab-people, crab-people...they look like crabs but talk like people....

2005-05-15 [Amalaswinta]: ;-) walk like crabs too...

2005-05-15 [RabidSphinx]: wasn't sure of the lyrics...been a while since i saw that episode

2005-05-15 [Amalaswinta]: to be honest, it's been ages since I've last seen any SP episode at all... hardly ever on telly here :-(

2005-05-15 [RabidSphinx]: i don't watch the i haven't seen one, since, well, about that

2005-05-15 [FireGypsy]: i dont watch tv either! The last tv show i watched was the X-files and it want even a tv show because i bought the entire first series lol!

2005-05-15 [RabidSphinx]: i watched...gee...maybe Law-and-order or something....or the news...i watch the news when i can

2005-05-15 [FireGypsy]: i hate the news, i dont like listening to all the bad stuff in the world. It makes me sad and angry. EVen when i dont watch the news i end up hearing stories that were on it. Like a month ago there was this guy(about 20 yrs old). And hewas poking fun at a goose protecting her babies. and it hissed at him and he fell in the mud. so he stood up, stomped the babies to death, and snapped the gooses neck! I hate hearing about that shit! the guy got arrested which is good. But i hate the world. I love life but hate 1/8 of the people in it for what they do to it and other people. it makes me sick...

2005-05-15 [RabidSphinx]: i watch it for the polotics, not for the events...that is sad, people are dumb, thus why i want to get into i can help pass laws saying killing the stupid is a "community service"

2005-05-15 [FireGypsy]: lol go Rainey!!!! That was brilliant!! lol id be doing community service right now, i have a stupid person id like to get my hands on!

2005-05-15 [RabidSphinx]: (^_^) woot! this is why i made my wiki Safe-Zone From Stupidity.....loo....because i hate stupid people very much

2005-05-15 [Katherine]: how could someone do that do a goose, who was just protecting her kids... *cries* and south park rules. the movie is the best. i was l;istening to the soundtrack today ^^

2005-05-15 [RabidSphinx]: shut you fucking face uncle fucker! you a cock sucking ass licking uncle furcker! You're an uncle fucker yes it's true! nobody fucks uncles quite like you! Shut your fucking face uncle fucker! you're the one that fucked you uncle uncle fucker! you don't eat or sleep or mow the lawn you just fuck your uncle all day long!.................shut your fucking face uncle fucker! yoiu're a boneafide bastard uncle fucker! you're and uncle fucker i must say! you fucked your uncle yesterday! hahahaa....uncle fucker, that U-N-C-L-E FUCK YOU! UNCLE FUCKER!!!!!!.....suck my balls

2005-05-15 [FireGypsy]: lol =D

2005-05-15 [RabidSphinx]: lol...i love that song!

2005-05-15 [*_*]: what the hell is that

2005-05-15 [RabidSphinx]: the uncle fucker song, what else?

2005-05-15 [*_*]: lolok

2005-05-15 [Malidar]: all the ERs should be As. It's how the accent causes the words to sound.

2005-05-15 [Amalaswinta]: true... one of my favs is the fingerbang song though ;-)

2005-05-15 [Katherine]: ♪bombs are flying... people are dying, children are crying politicians are crying too...♪

2005-05-16 [iCh3wi]: WTF!!!!!?????!!!! I just signed on and when this wiki loaded, I read RD's song lyrics and I thought she was yelling at Nymp. WOH!!!!!! I LOVE THAT SONG!!!! ITS SO FUCKING AWSOME!!!

2005-05-16 [RabidSphinx]: lol! it's an awesome song!

2005-05-16 [Malidar]: Uh huh....

2005-05-16 [iCh3wi]: YUP YUP!!! Anyways, so how is everyone?

2005-05-16 [Whim]: Badass as usual.

2005-05-16 [RabidSphinx]:

2005-05-16 [iCh3wi]: Depressed, but ok. Luckily I wasnt depressed enough to hurt myself again.

2005-05-16 [Whim]: yeah, cause that'd be a pretty dumb thing to do.

2005-05-16 [RabidSphinx]: *nods8 i hope things get better for you...*hugs*

2005-05-16 [*_*]: hey all

2005-05-16 [iCh3wi]: Somewhat better. I had a fight with my sister on friday and another one yesterday with my friend who I have known for like 15 years I think (not really sure on time frame) . I hate it when I get depressed because I end up cutting myself.

2005-05-16 [Whim]: And cutting yourself must make you feel pretty dumb.

2005-05-16 [iCh3wi]: Exactly because its embarassing when people see it at school

2005-05-16 [Whim]: it should be.

2005-05-16 [RabidSphinx]: nice to be sensitive whim...

2005-05-16 [Whim]: I feel honesty is the best policy.

2005-05-16 [iCh3wi]: not always

2005-05-16 [Whim]: Yes, always.

2005-05-16 [RabidSphinx]: nope

2005-05-16 [iCh3wi]: so your saying that you would be honest to anyone, no matter the case involved?

2005-05-16 [Whim]: I didn't say I would--I only said it was the best policy.

2005-05-16 [iCh3wi]: oh, ok then.

2005-05-16 [Whim]: of course, there is the added bit of meaning that goes behind HOW you use your honesty.

2005-05-16 [iCh3wi]: i have so many scars on my wrists and hands, its hard anymore to stop myself.

2005-05-16 [Whim]: That's what you get for following the trend.

2005-05-16 [iCh3wi]: The trend that only 2 people in my school follow (I live in a 200 pop. toon)

2005-05-16 [RabidSphinx]: i have burn scars on my inner arms...i was never much of a cutter

2005-05-16 [Whim]: 2 in your school--hundreds of thousands in the country. It's kind of sad and a bit pathetic to see the nation's youth abuse their bodies for no good reason--all for temporary satisfaction that only leads to more self-afflicted bodily damage and disrespect.

2005-05-16 [iCh3wi]: i was never fond of burning myself, it seemed weird to me. cutting always seemed easier for me to relieve my stress.

2005-05-16 [RabidSphinx]: cutting stung...burning felt relieving

2005-05-16 [iCh3wi]: lol, im opposite . the anarchy symbol is carved in the palm of my hand, and a symbol i made for myself is on the back of my hand.

2005-05-16 [Whim]: And so proud about something that was so embarrassing only 15 minutes ago.

2005-05-16 [iCh3wi]: i never said i was proud of anything. im just stating what i did. RD did the same thing.

2005-05-16 [RabidSphinx]: i hate people that think anarchy is SLC Punks and realize like the rest of us that it doesn't, and can't, work

2005-05-16 [Whim]: you carved the anarchy symbol in the palm of your hand and your own personal symbol on the back. This isn't something you do on impulse like the normal cuttings. It's something that's almost preconceived--possibly planned. On some level, you are pleased that you have the scars to show off--at least when you can show them off to people who share your interest in it.

2005-05-16 [RabidSphinx]: i keep mine covered...i have quite a coolection of no one ever sees my left arm....really, i miss my smooth arms, but don't want the attention the scars bring. people asking "what happened" or "why did you do that?"....i just keep them covered and people think i'm being stylish with my arm covers

2005-05-16 [iCh3wi]: yeah, I did think ti was cool and yes, I will admit it, I did show them off at one time. But now I dont like them anymore and I dont like haveing them there, kind of like a tatoo. You like it at first, hate it in the end.

2005-05-16 [Whim]: but you do keep doing it. You have eternal reminders of why you no longer like them, but you still do it.

2005-05-16 [iCh3wi]: yes I know. its difficult, like I can stop for a while, but sometimes I go back too it, i cant stop myself when i go back to it.

2005-05-16 [Whim]: why did you start in the first place?

2005-05-16 [iCh3wi]: in 7th grade, my best friend Devin was shot and killed by one of his friends. The night before he died he and I got into a fight

2005-05-16 [iCh3wi]: i never really got to apologize to him

2005-05-16 [Whim]: that's why you got pissed and depressed. Why did you cut yourself?

2005-05-16 [iCh3wi]: at the time when i was pissed and depressed, i cut myself to sort of try and relieve my stress, but I also wanted to kill myself at that time

2005-05-16 [Whim]: what made you think of that idea? Being so worked up over your friend, you surely couldn't have been considering the best way to relieve stress and of course cutting yourself wouldn't be the first think in your mind on the list of stress relievers, unless you had heard about it before, of course.

2005-05-16 [iCh3wi]: hmmm, i cant remeber anymore, seeing as it was 5 years ago and all. but i have heard of it before, on tv and such, that might of been where i got it from

2005-05-16 [shardae le fae]: ummm...

2005-05-16 [Whim]: most likely. Do you consider yourself a rebel?

2005-05-16 [iCh3wi]: hmmmm, i dunno. If a rebel is someone who hates everything and thinks their parents ahte them, then no. If its someone who hates to be in normal social groups, like preps and jocks and be in band, then yes.

2005-05-16 [Whim]: I would consider a true rebel to be an independent person who doesn't follow the standards of others.

2005-05-16 [iCh3wi]: nope, not me then. I follow standards of people i look up too and things my teachers say. but now sometimes i could maybe be considered a rebel when i dont want to follow the rules for something.

2005-05-16 [Whim]: So do you consider yourself a follower under normal circumstances then?

2005-05-16 [iCh3wi]: I guess, but what would you say normal circumstances would be?

2005-05-16 [iCh3wi]: Hey whim, howcome you arent a member?

2005-05-16 [Whim]: well, the times when you are following the rules and listening to what people tell you to do and how you should act. The times when you're acting natural--or at least how people normally perceive you to act.

2005-05-16 [Whim]: I'm not a member because I'm too far advanced beyond that list. They'd need a special list and title for me, and I don't know if Ravendark is prepared to do that.

2005-05-16 [shardae le fae]: Umm...if you're truelly a rebel, are you really one at all? if you call yourself a rebel, you're not in a rebels are dumb.

2005-05-16 [iCh3wi]: Hmmm ; damnit, I keep saying hmmmm. Anyways. I follow rules and do what people say when I think it's right. But when soemthing comes up that I dontagree with or dont think is right, then I do what I feel is right. Ok, I was wondering why you were not a member.

2005-05-16 [Whim]: a true rebel wouldn't aim to be a rebel, but could still possibly recognize himself as one.

2005-05-16 [Whim]: So what do you aim to do in life? Do you have any goals at all?

2005-05-16 [iCh3wi]: Yup. Finish my Eagle for Boyscouts, pass the ACT, pass the AP Art Test, go to colloge (hopefully), and try to do something important inmy life. Does that make me normal, or a rebel?

2005-05-16 [Whim]: That has nothing to do with normality or rebabilty. What makes you better than other people?

2005-05-16 [iCh3wi]: My goals in life I guess. The fact that I admit to being in boyscouts and want to get my Eagle and actually succeed in college, not just go and party the whole time

2005-05-16 [Whim]: what about skills?

2005-05-16 [iCh3wi]: Lets see, no singing whatsoever. Artistic ability, somewhat high, Im not great, but i try to be. Leadership, pretty good, but I slack off to much sometimes.

2005-05-16 [iCh3wi]: Reading and writing also, cant forget those.

2005-05-16 [Whim]: so for the most part, you are aware that you have a good bit of potential?

2005-05-16 [iCh3wi]: Yes, I believe I do have some potential. Not a whole lot, but enough to at least try and succeed in life.

2005-05-16 [Whim]: how often do you take your abilities into consideration?

2005-05-16 [iCh3wi]: Whenever I am depressed, or stressed, or just working on something, such as in art or studying for a test.

2005-05-16 [Whim]: does it help?

2005-05-16 [iCh3wi]: Most of the times, except for when studying for like math tests, that always gets me down.

2005-05-16 [Whim]: studying depresses you?

2005-05-16 [iCh3wi]: Only in Math, becuase I suck at it, especially Algebra 2. When studying for it I start thinking whats the use, because Im gonna fail. But there are sometimes when I do pass, even though I thoguht I was gonna fail. That at least gives me hope.

2005-05-16 [Whim]: understandable that that could be frustrating, but pretty odd that it would depress you.

2005-05-16 [iCh3wi]: Well, I say depress, mainly I get frustrated and mad, and a little depressed

2005-05-16 [Whim]: it's just math.

2005-05-16 [iCh3wi]: True, i shouldnt let it get too me that much

2005-05-16 [Whim]: Yeah, it's such little things like that that can pile up on you throughout life. Kind of makes you forget the important things sometimes.

2005-05-16 [iCh3wi]: Yes, thats true but now that I'm somewhat older, but not much, I want to try and not loose sight of the important things in my life anymore.

2005-05-16 [Whim]: of course. You're reaching a time when it's time to put away childish fits of emotional anguish.

2005-05-16 [iCh3wi]: Hmm, yes as it comes with maturity. I hate to do this, but I have to logoff online, moms orders. Thanks for the conversation Whim, it really helped me. Ill see everyone tomorrow.

2005-05-16 [iCh3wi]: PS>I hope we didnt scare everyone away for good.

2005-05-16 [Whim]: Oh, I have ways of luring them back.

2005-05-16 [RabidSphinx]: naw...just didn't feel like being part of this convo

2005-05-16 [iCh3wi]: Oh, ok then, I was just wondering where people went to. Ill see yall (<hick accent from texas) tomorrow, bye!!

2005-05-16 [RabidSphinx]: night!

2005-05-16 [Katherine]: woah. had to scroll back like 5 pages. the sad truth is people cut, and get addicted. and we all know how hard addiction can be. most people have self harmed. i have, i was a right regular little cutter a while back, but ive managed to stop. i hurt to many people. and yes, it can sometimes be something you are weirdly proud of. like, its almost like art. and we all like showing our art off. and its not as shallow as it seems. more and more people in this world are being bullied or abused and horrible things like that. instead of complaing and mocking it you need to help. its what they need, i guess *shrugs* they want attention, they can have it, if it stops them. there must be a reason why >

2005-05-16 [Katherine]: they want it, to a degree...

2005-05-16 [Whim]: not that many more people are bullying and mocking as they were years ago. In fact, bullying used to be worse, yet somewhat accepted, several years ago. People just have a different reaction to it these days. Of course, there are some areas where the intensity of bullying may be higher since you have more and more gangs popping up so the fear of being shot or stabbed is rising, but for the most part, kids are only using words and maybe regular fist fights to bully the weak, which is what has been happening for as long as anyone can remember.

2005-05-16 [Whim]: The main difference now is that the people being bully are often taught that they aren’t allowed to stick up for themselves anymore. There was a time where you’d be praised for defending yourself against a bully, but now there’s these “zero tolerance” rules that say that no matter who started a fight, both (or all) participants in the fight are hauled off in a police car--and thus demonizing both the bully and the defender. And since the bully was already demonized in the first place, it doesn’t phaze him too much, however, the defender now is afraid to do what may be right.

2005-05-16 [Whim]: This now drives defenders to use new tactics to get around these bullies. They can’t defend themselves without getting in trouble, so they have to focus their aggression into other areas. It’s not always a huge amount of built up aggression and many people can find productive ways to release this aggression, but some people have found that being aggressive towards their own bodies is a good way to do it, although it is probably one of the worst ways you could handle it.

2005-05-16 [Whim]: Combine all this with a music and entertainment industry that tends to like to focus its trends on very negative things these days and you get a very disturbed nation of youths. They hear some popular songs that are kind of catchy and the lyrics sound just enough like their lives to make them say, “Hey, Billy Joe is just like me.” So it’s easy to get lost in things like that when you feel like it’s the story of your life and since these types of music and entertainment artists are driven to be more like members of goth, punk, and emo culture, the faithful followers of the music will follow the same trends that the artists have established.

2005-05-16 [Whim]: The same stands true with any form of music or entertainment. “Gangsta” wannabes want to pop caps in people’s asses because they hear a few rap songs that they feel relate to their life, so they subconsiously want to make the music sound even more like their life. And since they can’t tell the artist what to sing about, they just have to adapt their own lives to sound more like the music. So when a little gothish child hears lyrics about killing the pain with suicide and mutilation, they tend to want to try what seems to work for their idols.

2005-05-16 [FireGypsy]: *nods*

2005-05-16 [RabidSphinx]: i'm so not reading all that....(>_<)

2005-05-16 [Whim]: hmmm...seems a rant about lazy asses are in order.

2005-05-16 [RabidSphinx]: i wont read that either

2005-05-16 [Whim]: hehe...lazy ass

2005-05-16 [RabidSphinx]: guess so...or i'm just working on my pro-life wiki at the moment and don't have the time to be distracted

2005-05-16 [iCh3wi]: I wish I would have never said anything now about my cutting........

2005-05-16 [RabidSphinx]: ignore whim...he is just being a always

2005-05-16 [FireGypsy]: yeah, [Whim] will be [Whim]!

2005-05-16 [iCh3wi]: I found out today what Anarchy meant. I feel so stupid now.

2005-05-16 [Whim]: Why be sorry for anything? It’s no big deal and my huge rant doesn’t apply to EVERYONE--just most people...hehe.

2005-05-16 [RabidSphinx]: don't worry about it SC...*hugs* i bet you could cut it to look like a star...

2005-05-16 [iCh3wi]: Because I didn't know what it REALLY stood for. I don't hate all forms of government.

2005-05-16 [RabidSphinx]: *shrugs*

2005-05-16 [iCh3wi]: *unshrugs*

2005-05-16 [Whim]: don’t feel stupid about it. It’s not a huge deal. The word “anarchy” has been so glamourized that it’s easy to misunderstand it’s meaning. To the common person, it probably seems like it would just mean something along the lines of being a badass...hehe. But yeah, the literal definition of anarchy is “no government” which means “no rules” so that’s why it’s such a popular word. People like the idea of no rules, but as we all know, that just doesn’t work in real life.

2005-05-16 [Whim]: Just let it be a lesson for ya. Check the dictionary to make sure words are what you think they mean before carving them into your flesh. Actually...just don’t carve anything into your flesh--that’s safer...hehe.

2005-05-16 [iCh3wi]: Nope, it doesn't work in real life. Thats one of the problems in some governments today, the lack of proper rules or laws to help the people, instead of causing problems.

2005-05-16 [Whim]: well, anarchy is almost completely impossible anyway since if there is no government, then there is no ruler, so since people like having power, sooner or later someone would seize control of an anarchist government and as soon as a leader is established, it’s no longer an anarchy.

2005-05-16 [iCh3wi]: True, then I guess you could say that the governemtn system would then become a dictatorship, causing the same amount of problems as anrachy almost.

2005-05-16 [Whim]: not necessarily the same amount of problems, but still definitely a good many. In theory, an anarchist society could only work if the entire population had nothing but good-natured, friendly people. There’d be no rules, but the people would have such respect and kindness for eachother that they wouldn’t purposely cause any harm to eachother in any way. Of course, such a population does not exist because people are just not like that.

2005-05-16 [Katherine]: *claps* whim, you are amazing.

2005-05-16 [Whim]: Well, that’s obvious...hehe.

2005-05-16 [iCh3wi]: To tell you the truth, if that kind of a population existed, the world would be somewhat boring. I'm not saying that I like there to be war, but I think that we need a couple problems every now and then to help keep our society going.

2005-05-16 [Whim]: well, if it was all you ever knew, then it wouldn't be all that dull. You'd find simpler ways to entertain yourself.

2005-05-16 [iCh3wi]: Yes, I guess that would be true. But there would always be that one person or group of people who couldn't follow that way of life and would rebel most likely.

2005-05-16 [Whim]: exactly, which is why such a populatation does not exist...hehe.

2005-05-16 [iCh3wi]: Yup Yup! =^_^=

2005-05-16 [iCh3wi]: <img:>

2005-05-17 [*_*]: hey can u do one for werewolfs

2005-05-17 [Whim]: I made one. Wanna see?

2005-05-17 [Whim]:                 <---There it is.

2005-05-17 [*_*]: thxs lol

2005-05-17 [Whim]: Yeah, it's imaginary--like werewolves.

2005-05-17 [*_*]: ok o i am not going to get in to this with u ok

2005-05-17 [Whim]: wear the badge.

2005-05-17 [iCh3wi]: Just so everyone knows, I didnt make the badge, one of my friends gave it to me.

2005-05-17 [Whim]: That's funny cause my imaginary werewolf friend gave me the badge that I made.

2005-05-17 [iCh3wi]: Lol

2005-05-17 [Whim]: Ok, this time I really do have a werewolf badge. <img:stuff/bear.gif>  See? Isn't it great?

2005-05-17 [RabidSphinx]: it looks like a bear

2005-05-17 [Whim]: a cute bear. Like a stuffed animal teddy bear...hehe.

2005-05-17 [RabidSphinx]: *smacks whim*

2005-05-17 [Whim]: why did I get smacked for that? Are you a werewolf enthusiast too?

2005-05-17 [RabidSphinx]: i love Lycan, yes...and i smack you because i want to....*smacks*

2005-05-17 [Whim]: you love teddy bears?

2005-05-17 [RabidSphinx]: nope...

2005-05-17 [Whim]: I really like teddy bears. They're like way cute and cuddly.

2005-05-17 [RabidSphinx]: i like penguins....and duckies...

2005-05-17 [Whim]: there's no werewolf wikis.

2005-05-17 [RabidSphinx]: yeah there is...forget it's name though

2005-05-17 [Whim]: I need to go there so I can submit my badge design.

2005-05-17 [RabidSphinx]: i can't remember it's name...SC made it though

2005-05-17 [Whim]: SC stands for...

2005-05-17 [RabidSphinx]: [iCh3wi]

2005-05-17 [Whim]: links on his house.

2005-05-17 [RabidSphinx]: it was only started...don't think they did anything with it after they made it

2005-05-17 [Whim]: damn, those werewolves half-ass everything.

2005-05-17 [RabidSphinx]: *shrugs*.......*slaps whim*

2005-05-17 [Amalaswinta]: <img:stuff/werewolf.jpg> :-D

2005-05-17 [FireGypsy]: SWEET!!!!!!

2005-05-17 [Amalaswinta]: hehehe... thought I'd show[Whim] how to do a proper werewolf ;-)

2005-05-17 [iCh3wi]: Ummm, RD, what badge are yall talking about?

2005-05-17 [iCh3wi]: Are yall (<Texas Accent) Talking about this badge? <img:>

2005-05-17 [*_*]: ok lol

2005-05-17 [Whim]: psh...that’s the mythical werewolf, Ama. My werewolf is far more authentic and realistic.

2005-05-17 [Amalaswinta]: XD

2005-05-17 [shardae le fae]: WWWWWWWWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

2005-05-17 [Whim]: By the way--Ama is now a council member cause I willed it so.

2005-05-17 [shardae le fae]: hi whim....*sighs* I am too hyper too even argue!!

2005-05-17 [Whim]: you'd argue with Ama being made a council member?

2005-05-17 [shardae le fae]: no....*jumps around stupidly*

2005-05-17 [Whim]: then what does you being hyper and too so to argue have to do with anything?

2005-05-17 [Whim]: unless you were arguing that my werewolf doesn't look like a werewolf...<img:stuff/bear.gif>

2005-05-17 [Solitiaum]: It looks like a teddy bear-rat combo o_O;

2005-05-17 [Whim]: Just like a werewolf.

2005-05-18 [iCh3wi]: That looks like a lycan if the light hits it right. Whose new on the council Whim?

2005-05-18 [Whim]: Amalaswinta is new on the council cause I willed it to be so.

2005-05-18 [RabidSphinx]: *rolls eyes*

2005-05-18 [iCh3wi]: *looks at her profile* She seems like a good choice. I wish I could be a custodian. Does anyone know how I can apply?

2005-05-18 [Whim]: Custodians--if I recall correctly without looking--are people who clean and repair wikis and maybe even maintain them. Basically just fix wikis that get deleted by A-holes.

2005-05-18 [iCh3wi]: Oh, well if its anyconsolidation, I kind of tweeked the Fan Club/Association part of the wikis, trake a look and tell me if it's ok. If not, i can always put it back. It took an hour or so, it was really a mess,

2005-05-18 [Whim]: I can't make you a custodian. Hint at it in the council page or something.

2005-05-18 [iCh3wi]: What would they do?

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